
Thursday, April 23, 2009


Matthew 10:27What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs.

A person should only preach what he/she has learned from God’s spirit. (I know, this kind of sounds like s “duh!” statement, but really think about it) How often do our own personal feelings get in the way? How many times have you wanted to “re-arrange” scripture so that it supports a poor lifestyle? It happens! We want to justify our actions so badly that we miss correction and wisdom. This has happened to me. I’ve picked and chosen scriptures that work best for my “current situation,” totally missing what God is trying to say because my own personal thoughts block out the truth.

My suggestion… don’t start digging into the word with your ego in the way. Clear it up, get your heart right, and welcome the correction. I guess you could say “correction: it does a body good!”

Lastly, remember to share the TRUTH with others. “Proclaiming from the rooftops” means whatever God speaks to you is for the benefit of mankind. Don’t keep what God has given you away from them! Share it! The houses in Judea had flat roof tops and were sometimes used to announce things in the most public manner. So, go get on your roof top… share what God has given you… and be a blessing!

God, thank you for reminding me to let You guide me through the worse. Not my feelings, not my own personal desires. Please help me to find my roof top. Help me to share with others Your truth and love. Amen
What an amazing week this has been, and its only Thursday! God is so faithful, and we have a lot of changes coming up for our family. I cant wait!!

We are enjoying house sitting for the Fish family. Its been peaceful, and a gas saver! Soon we’ll be able to move back into our house, and after a year and a half it’ll be just the three of us! I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to have lived with others while we’ve followed where God was taking us. But it will be nice to finally settle down. :)

That’s all for now… stay tuned…