Psalm 139:24 See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.
Two major themes here: #1) Any thing false in religious principle; any thing contrary to piety to myself, and love and benevolence to man. #2) The way that is right in a man's own eyes is seldom the way to God.
When you are in a new place, like I am now, you make an impression. The question is - is it a good one or a bad one? I'm trying desparately to be "on the top of my game" and still staying true to my good personality traits. I want to be myself, but only my good traits! You know what I'm saying??
As I am learning a new system, and new people, I want to make sure that I am portraying Christ and Christ alone. Thats my focus. I want God to get rid of anything that is of me... I want all of Him. Transition is difficult for anyone, and I want to handle my work and other's reactions with grace.
I want to keep my focus on the goal - that God would lead me in the way of the everlasting. I need His grace and wisdom. I need God's direction as I take another step each day.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Posted by Sharon Lee at 12:05 PM 0 comments
Matthew 15
8: "These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me."
16-18: "Are you still so dull?" Jesus asked them. "Don't you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these make a man 'unclean.'"
There were such religious rules about things that were clean and unclean. The right way to wash hands, the right food to eat, even when people were sick and then became well there would be a waiting time before they were fully "clean" again.
Food that is eaten always has a process. Some is taken and nourishment for the body, other parts are expelled as waste (sorry for the mental image). What we take into our heart must only be for nourishment - for ourselves and for others - because we all know,a s it's written here, "whatever things that come out of the mouth come from the heart."
The food we eat does not pollute the mind... things that come into our heart can either nourish us or pollute us. And in turn, others. Sin is always conceived in the heart before it is spoken or acted upon.
Just like how I decide what my family will eat - there are good choices and bad. French fries or veggies? Soda or water? The same is true for the condition of my heart. What am I allowing into my heart - am I making good decisions that will produce nourishment or bad that will pollute?
Lord, help me to make wise choices. I want nourishment from You so that there will be good things that come from my mouth and actions. I know that if my heart is corrupt, the whole body will be corrupt. So, help me Lord to have a clean heart that hungers only for You. Amen.
First day on staff at The Highlands... pretty amazing! :)
Posted by Sharon Lee at 11:52 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 27, 2009
Psalm 142: 3 When my spirit grows faint within me,
it is you who know my way.
In the path where I walk
men have hidden a snare for me.
I found this Psalm to be interesting because right before the verses you read: "A maskil of David. When he was in the cave." So we know that he was in a cave hiding. David was distressed because he had a handful of men and Saul had outnumbered him by many. God knew where David was (physically and spiritually).
It reminds me that when we feel like we're in the most disastrous of circumstances, God is ever so near. We may be in a cave hiding for our life, or in a cave hiding from life... either way God sees us and wants to give us hope, new life, and direction.
Thank you Lord that You see us right where we are and You want to meet us right where we are. I love You Lord.
Posted by Sharon Lee at 7:56 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 25, 2009
(Picture is an oldie, but goodie) :)
Matthew 12:11 He said to them, "If any of you has a sheep and it falls into a pit on the Sabbath, will you not take hold of it and lift it out? 12How much more valuable is a man than a sheep! Therefore it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath."
Maybe I'm just saying this because a mom, because my job NEVER ends as a parent... but I feel the same applies to us as Christians. When did we get the idea that we needed to have a day off from doing God's work? I understand that there are times when you need refreshing in God's word, times of relaxing... but this should NEVER apply to your faith. Faith is a 24 hour thing. You are an example at all times. I say this because I have been guilty of slacking off, of protesting for a day off, of thinking I deserve a break. WHAT!?? I would never say that about my job as a parent. I would never say "Oh Hannah, fend for yourself today, mommy is taking a break." No way! She is my responsibility. And for all of us, Faith is our responsibility. Don't give up on this... see what God can do in your life and in the lives of others.
Its a priviledge to be your daughter, Lord. I love You! Give me the endurance when I want to give up, the words to speak to others, and a tight grip on Your promises. Amen.
This week is a week of new beginnings... new job... new home... I'M EXCITED! Thank you LORD!
While you're surfing the web, please stop by today...
Malaria is one of the deadliest diseases impacting poor children around the world ... killing more than 2,000 children every day. Fortunately, effective and inexpensive tools are available to protect children from this killer. Your gift today will help us reach our goal of providing three million life-saving bed nets to children in the hard-hit African nations of Zambia, Mozambique, Kenya and Mali.
Posted by Sharon Lee at 2:03 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Matthew 10:27What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs.
A person should only preach what he/she has learned from God’s spirit. (I know, this kind of sounds like s “duh!” statement, but really think about it) How often do our own personal feelings get in the way? How many times have you wanted to “re-arrange” scripture so that it supports a poor lifestyle? It happens! We want to justify our actions so badly that we miss correction and wisdom. This has happened to me. I’ve picked and chosen scriptures that work best for my “current situation,” totally missing what God is trying to say because my own personal thoughts block out the truth.
My suggestion… don’t start digging into the word with your ego in the way. Clear it up, get your heart right, and welcome the correction. I guess you could say “correction: it does a body good!”
Lastly, remember to share the TRUTH with others. “Proclaiming from the rooftops” means whatever God speaks to you is for the benefit of mankind. Don’t keep what God has given you away from them! Share it! The houses in Judea had flat roof tops and were sometimes used to announce things in the most public manner. So, go get on your roof top… share what God has given you… and be a blessing!
God, thank you for reminding me to let You guide me through the worse. Not my feelings, not my own personal desires. Please help me to find my roof top. Help me to share with others Your truth and love. Amen
What an amazing week this has been, and its only Thursday! God is so faithful, and we have a lot of changes coming up for our family. I cant wait!!
We are enjoying house sitting for the Fish family. Its been peaceful, and a gas saver! Soon we’ll be able to move back into our house, and after a year and a half it’ll be just the three of us! I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to have lived with others while we’ve followed where God was taking us. But it will be nice to finally settle down. :)
That’s all for now… stay tuned…
Posted by Sharon Lee at 9:31 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Matthew 8: 16When evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick. 17This was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah:
"He took up our infirmities
and carried our diseases."[c]
Not one did the Lord Jesus ever reject, who came to him soliciting His aid. There wasn’t an interview, or a credit check. The aid was there for any who genuinely wanted it – and in a word it was done.
I keep thinking about last night… we went to a Hillsong United time of worship. Amazing. God did many wonderful things. There was a young man about twi rows ahead of us who had just been saved and was now being set free. He wept loudly. He cried out to the Lord, and in the midst of it all he was letting go, and letting God set him free. He didn’t care how loudly he was crying, if it was the “perfect time” in the set, or what others around him were thinking. It was as if it was just He and Jesus in that large theater. Nothing else mattered in that moment. He was free.
Each of us had a moment, or many moments like that last night. We were before the Lord, being set free and our attention getting back on Him and His purpose for our lives. We were giving Him glory, and our voices lifted up to Him as one.
Oh how He loves you. He cares where you are right now. He will give you aid. Ask… believe… be set free.
Posted by Sharon Lee at 4:28 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 13, 2009
2 Corinthians 13 5Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test? 6And I trust that you will discover that we have not failed the test.
I hope this doesn’t sound superficial… because I’m not trying to be, but I can spot a fake purse from a mile away. Hey, I’m one to shop clearance racks and look for great deals, so I don’t have a problem with fake designer purses. I can just tell that they are not the authentic designer bags. Even the ones that look like they really could be the real deal – I can spot it out. No, its not a spiritual gift. Ha!
One thing I can’t point out very well is fake jewelry, that is until it irritates my skin!
Just like my eye can point out the look-alikes from the authentic pieces, or fake jewelry is sold, there is a test of the heart to see if you can remain true to the faith. Will you take the test to see if you have authentic faith? Go ahead, test yourselves… how are you responding to difficult situations today? Are you mixed with bad doctrine? One thing is for sure… it isn’t God who alters us with fakeness, it is ourselves. We pollute.
And finally what the apostle is trying to state is: You have had, and you shall have, the fullest proof that I have preached the true faith among you; and that God has confirmed it by his testimony; and therefore I am proved and manifested to be what I ought to be, and shown to be approved of God.
So again I say, test yourselves and your authenticity. I pray Lord that I am found to be authentic throughout the test of my faith. I love You Lord, Amen.
Celebrated Resurrection Sunday yesterday. It was awesome!! My sister and two of her friends came to church with their kids. And they want to come back! I’m so excited. Many were saved at the services at The Highlands – it was an incredible day!
Hannah had a lot of fun playing with her cousins and hunting for Easter eggs. When we got home I was able to read to her the scriptures of Jesus’ sacrifice and love. Easter was a fantastic day. :)
Still waiting to find out what the future will hold for me. Yes, I cannot share any more details with you readers yet. But I know that whatever it is it will be incredible. I am open to what God has planned for me.
Good read for the week: Shepherding the Child’s Heart, Tripp
That’s all for now, stay tuned!
Posted by Sharon Lee at 2:12 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 3, 2009
Psalm 89
15 Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you,
who walk in the light of your presence, O LORD.
16 They rejoice in your name all day long;
they exult in your righteousness.
17 For you are their glory and strength,
and by your favor you exalt our horn.
To shout for joy in the Lord, to walk vigorously in Him. The whole day we rejoice in Him... when we're tired, when were lonely, when things arent going our way, and in the good times too, of course. (It always seems much easier when the times are good, but remember that this says ALL DAY!). I love how the Psalmist then writes, "For You are their glory and strength..." So there is your answer for when you are tired. He will give you strength. He exaults us, and in doing so we grow in His wisdom, His holiness, His power, and -- yes -- His happiness to.
I feel worn out today. I dont know if its because it is Friday, or if it is because Spring Break is right around the corner... either way I am just tired. All I want to do is... well... nothing. [side note - something just happened in the middle of my devos and now I am frustrated!] I get in these places where I just dont feel like [fill in the blank]. Blah! But I know that I can get my strength from the Lord. I need to turn my bad attitude around and start praising the Lord. I am going to do that right now in fact...
The weekend is here! I am going to meet up with my family for dinner tonight. Very excited about the time I'll get to spend with my baby girl and hubby.
Thats all for now... stay tuned...
Posted by Sharon Lee at 3:24 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 2, 2009
2 Corinthians 2
14But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him. 15For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. 16To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life. And who is equal to such a task? 17Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, like men sent from God.
Here he is saying that we are the aroma of God... the sweet savour of Christ. No matter if the aroma touches some and the deny the Lord, or those who come to the knowledge of Him, it is the same purpose. To present the sweet aroma of the Lord - the fragrance of His truth and love. An ancient Jewish writer put it this way: "As the bee brings home honey to its owner, but stings others; so it is with the words of the law." He is also saying that many will try to take God's word and corrupt it; mingle it to their liking. But we are to present the clear message of life and death in truth and in love.
Aroma is a powerful thing. I love the smell of my grandma making spaghetti. Its a secret family recipe and it is amazing! Sometimes when I drive by a restaurant I can smell the food cooking from a block away. My mother in law does not have a sense of smell, but a powerful aroma can still effect her senses. One year we sent her a beautiful bouquet of roses. When she opened the box (fresh cut flowers) she said that the aroma was so powerful she could almost make out the smell. Another way it is powerful is when you walk in your front door and are then smacked with the aroma of "oopps, I forgot to take out the trash" (you all know what I'm talking about!).
Its very clear here that we are to have the aroma of Christ overtaking us and our surroundings. There should be once scent, one clear and truthful scent of Christ, not a mixture of aromas (or odors for that matter!). So, go ahead... smell yourself (ok, put your arms down!). Are you giving off the aroma of Christ??
Lord, I want your fragrance to cover me so that my aroma is You. Amen
So, day two of my frugal ideas. Here is one for you...
Buy diapers in bulk! No, this isn't a brand new idea, but how many times have you run into the store (grocery stores are the worst!) and bought a package because you were totally out?? I just did a week ago and probably paid an extra 25% more for them. My idea?: purchase them at, or at Right now I can get a bulk pack for what I'd normally pay for a mega pack, plus right now there is free shipping! Diaper delivery! Check it out and see if it can save you some money. :)
I am going to the library today to get a library card. I had one in AZ and I used it all the time. I have a ton of books (most of them Christian parenting books) that I need to read up on.
Still waiting on getting my "dream" finalized... may sound confusing to you, but I should have more to write about this when it is public knowledge. :)
Tim is loving he assignment at The Highlands. The people are amazing and there will be so much for both of us to learn. We're excited to be there.
Hannah is doing well. She is into singing, reading, coloring, and dancing. My dad came back from Oregon yesterday and she was so excited to see him. She kept saying, "Papa [holding up a book]" and "Papa [raising her arms for him to carry her]." She adores him. I love their bond.
That's all for now.... stay tuned
Cool link for the week:
Posted by Sharon Lee at 9:24 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
2 Corinthians 1
3Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, 4who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.
If you really think about it, we don’t deserve anything. Really. I know I sure dont. The messes we are in usually are the result of our own self doing. (I say usually. I know there are circumstances that are out of our control.) But, the sin we put ourselves in is no one else’s fault but our own. We have a choice – sometimes we choose the right thing, other times we choose the wrong.
Here is what is so fascinating to me… God, who is full of tender mercy, takes notice of us. He sees where we are at. He grieves when we are troubled. He is also the God of all consolation. He comforts us and never leaves our side when trouble is at the door or all around. He is always near. He bears us up in the midst of our difficulties.
Have you ever received a gift when you didn’t deserve it? Maybe a kind gesture from a friend you were in a fight with. Or a check that came out of the blue at a time when you needed it. Well, God’s mercy and grace is just like that. You feel down and out, not knowing how you’re going to make it through the mess you put yourself in – and there God is with His free gift of mercy and comfort. Will you accept His gift today? I know I need it!! :)
Ok, so I am starting something new… well, it will start when we move back into our house at the end of this month… so stay tuned for updates on how it goes…
I am going to get even more frugal then I already am trying to be. Yes, it’s true. I’ve been doing some research, and there are tons more ways I can be saving money.
Here are two that I will be trying once we’re back in our house:
1.) I will be line drying our clothes. Seriously. The research I have done shows that this truly is an art. Laugh if you will, but my clothes will smell fresher and I will be saving a ton of money on energy and gas.
2.) I am going to try to walk to the grocery store when I need an item. The only store closest to where our house is located is Vallarta. I have nothing against Vallarta; I have just never been in one. I hear their prices on produce are fantastic. We’ll see what else they have to offer there and if it would be a good deal for me to do most of my shopping there. I’ll be exercising my body and my budget!
This isnt an April Fools Day joke... try these for yourself and see how you can stretch you dollar too!
So, that where I am beginning. I have 30 days until the big move and I am hoping to add to this list. If you would like to submit an idea, please email me at
Cool link of the week:
Stay tuned...
Posted by Sharon Lee at 9:31 AM 0 comments